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Food Inspections

By July 25, 2016March 25th, 2024Inspections Sidebar

Our Environmental Public Health Specialist (EPHS) conducts Food Establishment Inspections under the Missouri Food Code.  Use the menu below to view a history of health inspections for facilities in Shannon County.  The facility name will be followed by the year inspected along with a letter that denotes the type of inspection performed:  I = Initial inspection of a new facility, A = Annual inspection of an established facility, F = Follow-up after an unacceptable inspection and C = Inspection performed in response to a complaint. Schools are inspected twice per year. The second inspection will be followed by a “2”.

Resturant and Bar Inspections School and Senior Center Inspections Store and Bakery Inspections

Important things to note:

  1. A single inspection should not be used to evaluate a food service establishment. Looking at the series of inspections over time gives a more accurate picture of the food establishment’s commitment to food safety and sanitation.
  2. This database lists all violations and inspection comments. The database was created in April 2011 and will be updated monthly. Food service establishments are inspected on a routine basis and are unannounced.
  3. Priority item violations are denoted under the Priority Items section. Priority item violations are serious violations and are a focus of the inspection for correction. They may be corrected at the time of the inspection or may require a re-inspection depending on the nature of the violation.
  4. Anytime a food service establishment is found to pose an imminent health threat to the public, our staff will contact the Department of Health and Senior Services for a closing order unless the facility voluntarily closes and corrects the imminent health issue.

To cross-reference violations noted during the inspection, click on the DHSS food code link: