The Shannon County Health Center is dedicated to making sure that our mothers, infants and children have necessary resources and information available to them to ensure a long healthy life. Each new mother will receive a book entitled, “Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5”. Put out by the American Academy of Pediatrics, this informative guide covers nearly every topic a new mother needs to know on infant and child care.
Prenatal case management is a free service to assist women with obtaining and following through with prenatal care. If eligible, a temporary Medicaid card will be issued during the first visit in order to begin prenatal care by a physician as soon as possible. To schedule a pregnancy test, make an appointment or get more information, contact Summer Crider at 573-226-3914 or 800-777-3915.
The Shannon County Health Center has been instrumental in the development of safe walking trails within the community. Physical activity is one of the most important elements in getting fit and remaining healthy. Moms and their children are encouraged to visit the parks at Eminence and Birch Tree, not only for their safe walking trails, but also for the playground equipment their kids are sure to enjoy!
We have recently begun a new 3-year project to target injury prevention in our county, especially those due to distracted driving. We are also focusing on seat belt signage, use and enforcement around our community, including our cities, schools and medical facilities. Go to our Facebook page to view some of our campaign postings.
All new mothers are strongly encouraged to breastfeed their new babies to get them off to a healthy start. New mothers are provided a breastfeeding packet containing baby products and other nursing supplies. Hospital-grade breast pumps are loaned out to mothers who must return to work or need to express breast milk for other reasons. A Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is available through our WIC program to assist new mothers with any breastfeeding issues that arise. For more information contact Anicia Hoskins-Whisenhunt at 573-226-3914 or 800-777-3915.
Follow this link for more breastfeeding information: DHSS-Breastfeeding